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产品/服务: 东风EQ153泡沫干粉联用消防车 
品 牌: 东风 
型 号: EQ1141G7DJ 
规 格: 东风EQ153泡沫-干粉联用消防车 
单 价: 面议  询价
最小起订量: 1 辆 
供货总量: 99 辆
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-07-12
浏览次数: 2797


    This truck is improved and refitted with the dongfeng. It is equipped with nation-advanced CB20·10/30·60 type middle and low pressure combined extinguishing pump ,dry powder and nitrogen system .Being reasonable designed ,it's whole exterior structure looks beautiful and fresh .Fixed the pump at the rear of the truck ,the vehicle looks more compact structure and more conveniently operated.
It belongs to special fire truck, it's able to extinguish inflammable liquid and solid fire ,as well as the electrical apparatus fire ,being widely used by the petrolic and chemical enterprise in the field of transferring dock ,all sorts of store room and oil store room .
    It is also be used as the main fighting fire truck by the large and intermediate cites professional fire fighting brigade.


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