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NFPA 1976 近火作战用战斗服

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-02-10   浏览次数:65  分享到: 分享到腾讯微博
NFPA 1976 近火作战用战斗服
NFPA 1976 Standard on Protective Ensemble for Proximity Fire Fighting
NFPA 1976 近火作战用战斗服
1-1.1 This standard shall specify the minimum design, performance, and certification requirements and the test methods for proximity protective ensembles, including protective coats, protective trousers, protective coveralls, helmets, gloves, footwear, and interface components.
1-1.2 This standard shall apply to the design, manufacturing, and certification of new proximity protective ensembles or new individual elements of the proximity protective ensemble. This standard shall not apply to proximity fire-fighting protective clothing and equipment manufactured to comply with previous editions of NFPA 1976, Standard on Protective Clothing for Proximity Fire Fighting.
1-1.3 This standard shall not apply to protective clothing or ensembles for structural or wildland fire-fighting operations, for entry specialized fire-fighting operations, or for hazardous materials emergency operations. This standard shall not apply to protection from radiological agents, protection from all biological agents, or protection from all hazardous chemicals.
1-1.4 This standard shall not apply to the use of proximity fire-fighting protective clothing and equipment, since these requirements are specified in NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program.
1-1.5 Certification of the proximity fire-fighting protective ensemble, or individual elements of the protective ensemble, to the requirements of this standard shall not preclude certification to additional appropriate standards where the protective ensemble or elements of the protective ensemble meet all applicable requirements of each standard.
1-1.6 The requirements of this standard shall not apply to accessories that might be attached to any element of the proximity fire-fighting protective ensemble unless specifically addressed herein.
1-1.7 Nothing herein shall restrict any jurisdiction or manufacturer from exceeding these minimum requirements.
NFPA 1976 specifies minimum requirements for the design, performance, testing, and certification of the elements of the protective ensemble. Items include coats, trousers, helmets, shrouds, gloves, footwear, and interface items for protection from extremely high levels of radiant heat as well as conductive and convective heat that can be encountered during fire fighting operations involving bulk flammable liquids, bulk flammable gas, bulk combustible metals. Requirements for aircraft rescue and fire fighting operations are also included.
(86 pp., 2000)



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