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NFPA 555 车间飞弧电压的评定方法指南

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-02-08   浏览次数:195  分享到: 分享到腾讯微博
NFPA 555 车间飞弧电压的评定方法指南
NFPA 555 Guide on Methods for Evaluating Potential for Room Flashover
NFPA 555 车间飞弧电压的评定方法指南
1.1 Scope.
1.1.1 This guide addresses methods for evaluating the potential for room flashover from fire involving the contents, furnishings, and interior finish of a room. The methods addressed by this guide include prevention of ignition; installation of automatic fire suppression systems; control of ventilation factors; and limitation of the heat release rate of individual and grouped room contents, furnishings, and interior finish.
1.1.2 The accuracy, precision, and relevance of this guide are a function of the accuracy, precision, and relevance of the data from the test methods and calculations used. The principles and concepts presented are among the most reliable available. The use of these techniques can help to minimize the probability of flashover or delay its occurrence, but might not prevent it.
Enhance life safety and property protection. Work with the latest methods for determining flashover risks with the 2009 NFPA 555.
With the growing application of equivalency concepts and performance-based designs, ensuring fire safety by evaluating the potential for room flashover, or full involvement during a fire, becomes an increasingly important task for the engineer and authority having jurisdiction.
The 2009 edition of NFPA 555 Guide on Methods for Evaluating Potential for Room Flashover updates references throughout the document and provides the latest methods for evaluating the potential for room flashover from fire involving the contents, furnishings, and interior finish of a room.
The methods addressed include
·    Prevention of ignition
·    Installation of automatic fire suppression systems
·    Control of ventilation factors
·    Limitation of the heat release rate of individual and grouped room contents, furnishings, and interior finish
Order today for improved fire prevention and fire protection.
(Softbound, 33 pp., 2009)



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